31/08/2024 | Mantova - Lombardia
M I L L E N A R I A 2 0 1 0

From 5th - 13 September, in Gonzaga, mantua, there an ancient fair which dates back to 1580. On 12th April of that year, Duke William Gonzaga donated 33 lots of land to the local monks reciding at the 'Madonna dei Miracoli' convent.

Ever since then, 1000s of of visitors flock to the convent to assist this now 'somewhat' modern version of the Agricultural trade fair where there's everything for the professional farmer to the average person who just wants to try some local produce or for the kids who would like to see some 'real' farm animals. What's nice about this event is that it's not really for the average tourist. However, after walking around the stands you can end up in one of the many 'inns' at the end of the trade fair and have a glass or two of Lambrusco or enjoy a plate of polenta with some local cheese and salami.

Further info: (Italian only)
Visit our web site: www.fieramillenaria....

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